on the OC Transpo bus...
Wads of dirty, filthy scum,
falling off the shoes of a bum.
See those glistening chunks of slush
on the OC Transpo bus?
I'd rather look at those
than the twitchy, cracked-out hos.
Watch the glistening chunks of slush
on the OC Transpo bus
as they melt and drip and pool
along the aisles like hobo drool.
Will the glistening chunks of slush
on the OC Transpo bus
be cleaned away some day?
Perhaps. Sometime in May.
Oh, the glistening chunks of slush
on the OC Transpo bus.....
the colour of the long ear hair
of that weird guy over there.
Stupid glistening chunks of slush.
Stupid OC Transpo bus.
I wouldn't be here with you jerks
if I could afford to park at work.